Meet Cait

In 2007 I met the wonderful man who is my life now. We loved to go to movies, watch movies at home, go out for supper and ice cream. The usual of what all new relationships are like. I wasn't skinny, I was average. OK, I was a little heavy. Standing only 5"2 I would say 150 was a little to heavy for me.
Feb 2007
Feb 2008

So movies, movies and more movies! We didn't just watch movies, we ate! It started off all Innocent with a shared bag of popcorn. As we grew more comfortable around each other it grew to a bag each. Then we moved to chips. 

Again, shared bag. Next thing I know is we are eating a BIG bag to ourselves WITH dip! Not only were we doing this at least 2-3 times a week, lets not forget all the take out. I'm not talking little salads from Subway. I mean the biggest, dirtiest Combo with extra bacon, the biggest size fries you can get AND the Classic - Diet Coke! Because that makes everything better, right?

I was spiraling out of control. I was now struggling to fit into my clothes, I was tired all the time and I was getting unhappy with life. So I joined a weight loss clinic. I did well. I lost 13 pounds of the 30 lbs that I put on. But like every other "diet" I always tried, I failed. 

I now was the girl who had a eating disorder. Not the kind we hear about all the time. I hid my food. I ate alone. Here would a TYPICAL day for me

Breakfast - 4 waffles soaked in butter 
Snack - Chips
Lunch - 4 Large White wraps filled with Bacon, Mayo, Croutons, lettuce, Onions and Tomato
Snack - Popcorn
Supper - Pizza
Snack - Chips and Dip
Feb 2010
Aug 2010

Seems bad. But here's the kicker ...  between popcorn and Pizza, I would cab it to the mall, get the special of the week. Most times it would be 2 burgers and 2 fries. I would cab it back home, EAT IT ALL!! So my hubby wouldn't know, I would throw the fast food containers in the garbage, put those in a garbage bag and take that out to the bin.

I now weighted 202lbs. It seemed to come on over night. One day I woke up, looked in the mirror and said, "When did I get fat?!"  I never noticed I was shopping in the plus size section. I never noticed my pants were a tight 18. It was the day my mom took me dress shopping for my sisters wedding that I broke down. We went to the mall and nothing fit. She suggested addition Elle - a plus size store. Well I cried. I cried because I didn't want to shop there, I didn't want to be that girl. I cried because I let my health go.

I hid my food, I slept all day, I wouldn't  go outside to take a walk. I drank with my friends but far too much. I was the fun, fat, drunk girl. I was depressed and on medication. Until I had terrible thoughts (side effects of the Paxil). Now I am medicine free.

My changing point was Turbo Jam. A friend from work had lent it to me. I woke up every day early to push play. I started to slowly notice my body changing. But that wasn't going to be enough. I needed to change what I was putting into my body as fuel. My saving grace was the GI Diet. I still reference this book today.

After a short while I was down 20 lbs. Something was now working!! Turbo fire was the next step. Wow, those HIIT drills were amazing! Wow, now 50 lbs down! Les mills combat, T 25 and insanity helped shape me to the person I am HAPPY TO BE! I am now down 87 lbs and in the best shape I have ever been with exercise, clean eating and Shakeology  I got there with the support from my hubby, my family, my friends and my coach.

Feb 2013
Aug 2013

With great success, I want to pay it forward. I want to help you to reach your health and fitness goals. Contact me if you are interested in my next challenge group,  clean eating challenge or just want to talk. 

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