Tuesday, April 15, 2014

P90X3 Yoga X

Day 3 of P90X3 is done. I have only every found one other yoga DVD that I enjoyed, the 21 Day Fix Yoga. Since then, I have found a new love for Yoga. I love the feeling of the stretch and flexibility. 

P90X3 is just 30 minutes a day. After working a 12 hour shift, I did it much easier to come home and get my workout in. In compassion, hearing about the original P90X Yoga, its much shorter. I couldn't dream of doing 90 minutes of it.

Today was a Nice break after yesterdays agility. Lots of jumping and I cant forget those Plyo push ups (my arms still are sore). 

To make this Yoga effective at 30 minutes, it had be made harder. Some of the more difficult moves for myself had to be the Crow. For my P90X3 users, man, Ted is fixable!! 

I am a cardio queen so As much as I dislike slowing down and doing workouts like this they are much needed.  You want to do the yoga for your flexibility, balance, stamina, body awareness, and core strength.  It's a flow style of yoga!!  It will make you stronger in all areas of X3.

Another day of eating clean and one more X on my calendar for another workout done

Tomorrow is the challenge. A workout that is going to test my strength!

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