Sunday, January 26, 2014

T25 week update and Meal Plan

Today I completed week 2 of T25. I have completed this workout program before and got my FREE T-SHIRT!! I feel great. I did change up my workout a little bit for my goals. I am leaving on a cruise shortly so I want to focus on my cardio, abs and arms. 

What I did this week

Monday Cardio
Tuesday Total Body Circuit 
Wednesday Speed 1.0 
Thursday Upper Focus 
Friday Ab Intervals
Saturday Lower Focus
Sunday Stretch 

I am in love with T25! The bonus is the time. Its only 25 min. I did have time for INSANITY, 45-60 min, I love 25 min a day more. I can already feel my core is stronger. 

I can work out 100 times a day, but if I don't eat the proper nutrients, all that hard work i put in isn't going to matter. I try to eat clean as often as I can. I take one day a week to meal plan, batch cook and portion out our meals. When I am hungry, I just heat and eat. I used to spend so much time with my head in the fridge wondering what I am going to eat. 

With Meal planning, I have saved so much money. I only buy what is on my list. If I have 3 apples on my meal plan, I only buy 3 apples. I also make sure I go to the grocery store after I eat. You should avoid food shopping when you are hungry. You are more likely to purchase more food and junk food. 

Its Sunday morning and I have already completed my morning T25 Stretch, meal planning and food preparations. This is what my week looks like.

Recipes found at
Under Clean Eating

I make sure I get my Shakeology in everyday. I have so much more energy, my skin is clearer, my hair and nails are growing so fast. I love how it tastes and so easy to prepare.

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