Monday, July 28, 2014

Famous Failures

How many times do you hold back from doing something that you really WANT to do because you are AFRAID that you might fail, or that you will look stupid or make a mistake?!  How many times do you say NO to an OPPORTUNITY that could of been the game changer for your future?  
I truly believe that sometimes you just need to know that someone believes in you.  Knowing that someone out there will lift you up if you crash into the wall is comforting.  The one thing that I know for sure is this,  if I would of waited until I had all the information, learned all the facts and finished the training before I started my business and fitness journey then I would still be sitting here 30 lbs heavier and broke!  So take that leap of faith and build your wings on the way down.  

Next, when it comes to overcoming fear there are a few things that you can do to help you really step out of your comfort zone and take fear by the hand and lead it out of your life!

1.  Awareness:  Before you can begin overcoming your fear, you have to know that it is causing havoc in your life.  It's easy to get so attached to your thoughts and feelings.  You begin to think that the fear you are feeling is all that exists.  And that my friend is the furthest from the truth!  

2.  Identify:  Get specific about the thing that you are afraid of!  Look at the pictures that you have in your mind regarding the fearful situation. What is happening in those pictures?  What are you really scared of?  Become an observer of your inner space!  Write it down!

3.  Curiousity: Get curious as to why you are generating these fears?  Is it your past life experiences?  Is it someone around you who keeps putting you down?  Is it the fear of what others will think?  Where do you feel this fear? How do you react to it?  Again, be an observer of what is going on around and in you!

4.  The Now:  What are you LACKING RIGHT NOW.  Not yesterday or tomorrow but right now!!!  Accept yourself as you are right this very second!  
Now make a list- be aware of your weaknesses.  Sit down and journal everything that you feel is holding you back.  We will use this again!!!

5.  Talk:  this is a no brainer right!!!  Find someone, either a friend, family member or co worker that you can talk to about your fears.  Someone you can be honest and open with.  How often do we hold in the negative things in our life because we are afraid of how others might react!  Get it off your chest, get empowered and move on!  Make sure you are talking to someone who adds value and doesn't feed into your negativity!!

6.  Read:  I am a HUGE proponent of personal development.  A good book on your specific fear can open new doors on how you can get rid of them.  I suggest you start reading something that is specific to the topic you are dealing with.  Google and Amazon are my best friends when it comes to finding the best motivational and inspirational books.

7.  Take ACTION:  This is my #1!!!  So we talk about all of this and you say "YES YES I GET IT"  but then you do nothing!  Or you read the book but do not implement a single thing.  You feel like a failure!  WHY?!  Because you didn't actually take action.  The minute you start to take action and tackle that fear it starts to become smaller and smaller.  The thoughts in your imagination begin to become unrealistic.  The confidence begins to step forward and the strength you possess shines through.  Take ACTION NOW!  Build your wings on the way down!!!

8.  Positivity:  Whenever fear strikes, flip it over.  Instead of thinking that something bad is going to happen, think of something positive.  What's a positive outcome of your fear?  If you're thinking about public speaking, imagine yourself being wildly successful.  Everyone in the room stands to give you a standing ovation.  Think of yourself right now as the successful person that you wish to become.

9.  Perspective:  Overcoming fear is all about putting your negative thoughts in perspective.  We tend to focus way to much on the negative!!!  So by looking at the options you often realize that you are making a big deal out of nothing.  There are so many things that can happen that it is impossible for you to predict!!  We are not PSYCHIC!!!  

10.  WTWTCH.  What's the worst that could happen?!?!  If you are afraid of public speaking, imagine yourself on stage with everyone laughing at you.  How do you feel afterwards?  You are still alive right?  Life GOES ON!!!!!
But what if you get up on stage and you change someone's life?  You Save a marriage with your story?  You help someone who is in a deep dark place?  You help someone lose weight so that they can play with their kids again?  Think of the possibilities!!  Think of all the people you could impact if you chose to keep fear out of the equation!!!

My assignment for you is this:

Sit down and make a list of everything I mean EVERYTHING that you are afraid of!

Then, circle the one thing that is the biggest fear of all!
Tell me, how does this fear hold you back in life?
How has it helped me in the past?
What would be the benefit of overcoming these fears?

Share it in the comments below!

But this is your time to shine!

Go out there and BE ON THE PATH THAT LEADS TO AWESOME!!!  You are destined for great things.  Fear will not get you down!!!!
Whether this pertains to your fitness journey or your own personal life I am here to help!  If you want more support then contact me by clicking the box on the right!  It's my passion and calling to help you achieve a healthy and fulfilling life!  However I can support you just shout me out!!

Now is your TIME!!  Fear will not define you!
Whether it is in your fitness journey, your career or your family life you deserve to live a life that is fulfilling!  I hope that this inspires you to dream bigger!  You DESERVE IT!!

Tips to Improve Body Confidence

So body confidence is always a subject that is on every womans mind!  We are constantly comparing ourselves to others, wishing our boobs were bigger, butt was smaller and that are abs were firmer.  Why is it that we have this ability to turn any compliment that is given to us into something negative! 

We constantly set ourselves up for failure by the negative self talk that we use each and every day.

So today I want to arm you with some really great ways that you can help to get rid of that Debbie Downer mentality about your body.  It is a gift and you should celebrate it, even if you aren't quite where you want to be just yet!  It will happen and it will take time.  Keeping a positive outlook in the meantime is key to your emotional well being!

1.  Redirect talk about dieting or body bashing with your girlfriends. When body bashing comes up as a topic of conversation, you have several options. You can change the subject. You can find someone else to talk to. Or you can kindly say, “Talking about dieting makes me a little neurotic right now. Can we talk about something else?” By speaking up, you may find an ally, a source of support.

2.  Avoid looking at fashion magazines or catalogs that endorse emaciated women as the beauty ideal. If you’re an alcoholic in recovery, it makes sense to limit your exposure to alcohol. Similarly, if looking at skinny, airbrushed women makes you nuts, let them go for now. You can add these back in your life as you are feeling more confident.

3.  Weigh yourself less. When the number’s up, you feel bad. When it’s down, you feel good. Constant weighing can create obsession and breed anxiety.  Plus the scale is actually the worst measure of progress. There are so many different factors that determine your weight each day.  These factors include horomones, water weight, sodium, that time of the month and more.  The scale is actually the least accurate measure of progress.  So stop tying yourself to a number.  It does not define your worth and should not determine whether or not you have a good day!

4.   Eat until you’re satisfied. It’s hard to be your best self if you’re starving.  Dieting can lead to food obsession, depression, eating disorders, and a negative body image. Don't use the excuse, "Oh well I binged last night, so I'll skip breakfast and lunch and be back on track!"  Don't do it!  That only slows down your metabolism, makes you grouchy and can lead to further binging.  It actually does you more justice to get back on track with your 5 to 6 small meals a day and work through the slip up.  When you are not eating consistently through the day with quality food it leads to irritability, lack of attention and fogginess.  So never ever starve yourself, you only make matters worse.

5.  Buy clothing that fits. Have you, like me, bought something a size too small, because you don’t want to buy a larger size and admit you’ve gained weight? Or buy a smaller size with the intention of dieting to fit into it? If you’re wearing clothing that pinches, you’re going to feel fat. Period. Be kind to yourself, and wear flattering clothing that fits the body you have today.

6.  Ignore the latest fad diets. There’s something magnetic about the women’s magazine at the grocery store checkout line that proclaims, “Lose 10 pounds in 10 days.” Resist taking a peek. A constant drive for self-improvement is one way our egos keep us away from the present moment, separated from the love and appreciation we feel for the body we have today.

7.  Focus on your body’s abilities instead of its size. I know I feel more loving toward my body when I am enjoying its physical pleasures:  going for a run, or taking a walk with my children. View exercise as a chance to move and play, as honoring your need to move.  Think about the progress you have made.  The fact that you can walk up the steps without being out of breath or the 1 push up you can do now vs the failed attempts last week.  Celebrate your successes in other ways than the scale!

8.  Limit mirror exposure. If you are constantly checking your appearance throughout the day, you will most likely end up obsessing about your weight — or negatively comparing yourself to other women. Looking at your butt in a mirror doesn’t make it any smaller:  I know. I’ve tried.

Lastly, plug in for support!  If you or someone you know struggles with weight loss, body confidence or finding the motivation to make a lasting change then get support!  I mentor women just like you each and every day!  We work to identify the problem, set goals, and introduce exercise and clean eating into your lifestyle.  My goal is to give you a fit family to help you make it through the ups and downs of body transformation.  It's not an easy job and yes there are days when you want to quit.  But when you have someone there on the other side telling you it is going to be ok and that you can do it.  It honestly makes a huge difference!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My 3 Day Refresh Results

Summer can be hard to stay on track. I was still eating healthy but I was adding in a few Iced Coffees, mints, ice cream and so on. It was starting to really hurt my results. You can not out exercise a BAD diet. And with my wedding 8 months away, I want to be in the best shape. To be healthy and to rock that wedding dress. Ekk, so excited and cant wait.

Last month at Coach Summit in Las Vegas, the 3 day refresh was released. I have done the 3 day Shakeology cleanse before and had good results, but this was not created by Beachbody. This was created by a coach. I was not getting the important fats, fiber and proper nutrition. 

What comes in your kit

Hubby and I decided we would try it so we can get back on track and get a fresh start on things. Plus, I also wanted to do this and pass on my results to my challengers. I didn't want to talk about it to my challengers and let them do it. I did this so I can HELP my challengers if they wanted to do this. 

**The number 1 question I am getting, is "Will the weight stay off after the Refresh?"*** My results and answer to this question is at the bottom of the page. 

What is the 3 day refresh?
So the 3 day refresh is designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss.  You can quickly drop a few pounds, break a bad habit and get back on track!  It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy and  your metabolism going.  It is not a juice or fasting diet but a healthy diet that is going to give your body nutrition vs starvation.  
3 Day Refresh Breakdown
The meals are easy to prepare, simple food that tastes amazing. I was able to cure my sugar habit. The mental fog cleared, I felt clean and energized. 

Result time

I lost 2.2 lbs
1 inch off my waist
2.5 inches off my hips
The weight was not important for me. The number on the scale didn't matter. I just wanted to reset my body. Since this, I have continued to eat clean and have lost 5 more pounds. My last day of the refresh was 1 week ago.

Hubby didn't take his measurements but he lost 9.5 lbs!!

Looking to get back on track, break a plateau, or loose a few pounds before a special event? Contact me and I will help you with your 3 day refresh.

Click HERE to order your 3 day refresh

Friday, July 4, 2014

21 Day Fix Grocery List

I can honestly say that I might be in love with the 21 day fix meal plan!  Well ok I will be totally honest I AM IN LOVE WITH THE ENTIRE PROCESS.  Lets face it, it's easy, its simple, its basically fool proof.  If you stick to the things on the list of approved foods and you keep it basic you can't go wrong.  Plus I really dislike counting calories so the fact that I can tally up my containers and check it off each day is much more my style.  Now 4 rounds into the fix I don't even use the containers anymore.  I can see very clearly what a proper portion size should look like on my plate.  My body really has a much better system of regulating my feelings of fullness and I truly do have energy.  
21 Day Fix Tips, 21 Day Fix Grocery List

The thing that I really like is that it perfectly aligns with clean eating!  I still follow the exact same guide of having a protein an a complex carb at each meal.  
21 Day Fix Meals

So I get asked questions all the time about what a grocery list should look like.  While I can't tell you to go out and buy EVERYTHING on this list, I am going to give you an idea of the general things that you are going to be using on a daily basis for the fix.  The quick reference guide below really helps as well.


So when you hit up the store stick to lean proteins like
Fish- Salmon & Tilapia
Fresh Chicken Breast
Turkey Breast
Lean Ground Turkey
Pork Tenderloin
Flank Steak
Protein Powder
Veggie Burgers

Honestly I stay away from red meat, processed lunch meats, turkey bacon and ham slices.  I know it's on the list but when it comes to clean eating and nutritional value the things I have listed above are much better options.  Turkey bacon, lunch meat, and ham all are higher in sodium and can cause you to retain water.  


Berries like Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries

I honestly stayed away from bananas, mangos and grapes during the fix because they are still a good source of natural sugar but they also tend to be on the higher side.  So if I do have one of those I only do 1 per day.  As you get closer to your weight loss goal this becomes very important to shedding those last few pesky pounds.


Green Beans

I also typically do not eat carrots because they are also higher in sugar.  I stay away from corn as a vegetable and if I eat it then it goes into the starch category.
Complex Carbohydrates 
Brown Rice
Oatmeal (not instant in the packet) Rolled Instant Oats
Sweet Potatoes
Red Skin potatoes
Black Beans
Pinto Beans
Ezekiel Bread
Whole Grain Tortillas
I know that on the complex carbohydrate list there are bagels, toast, pancakes, waffles and other breads.  But what I can say is this, from a nutritional standpoint even whole grain still turns to sugar in your stomach, it will not keep you full and offers little benefits.  Think of food as fuel.  Quinoa, sweet potatoes, ezekiel bread are great sources of whole grains that are very natural and will give you fiber, fullness and nutrients where a waffle or piece of toast is more of a filler.  Again, you can pick and choose and yes it is allowed but its up to you to decide how you want your results to play out.

Unsweetened Coconut
Raw Unsalted Almonds
Raw Unsalted Cashews
Goat Cheese
Feta Cheese
This is definitely a category that I used to go way over!  I used to eat hummus, almonds and cheese all in one day and it was totally killing my progress.  I actually eliminated cheese from my diet and saw that I was less bloated and more lean during that time.
List of other ingredients that I used frequently:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
All Natural Peanut Butter, only ingredients are peanuts and a little salt.
Almond Butter
Almond Milk if you want that for your Shakeology
Chia Seeds
Sea Salt
Chili Powder
Onion Salt
Garlic Powder
Seltzer Water
Green Tea
Greek Yogurt
Slivered Almonds

21 Day Fix Reference Guide