Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Should I set a New Years Resolution?

Should I set a New Years Resolution?

"What is your New Years Resolution?" How many times have we been asked this over the years? Some people say they don't set one, others set one and follow it for a few weeks. Then we have the people who set the same one every year and don't do anything about it.

It is very easy to say :
This year I am going to...
January 1st I will...
Tonight is the last night for ...
I'm going to quit ...

You can say all of that stuff, but do you know how you are going to carry you resolution out? Did you set a time frame for these goals? Because that is what they are. They are goals you are trying to reach. Well, if you did not set a time frame, I'm sorry to say you only have a dream. Goals without a expiration date are only dreams. 

Write down your goal. Make sure you have the right tools to achieve your goals. Give your goals a deadline. I have goals. I look at mine EVERYDAY when I open my computer. I made a board with what I am going to achieve. And I know how I am going to do it. I have the tools to get me there. I have the dates of when I will do this by, if not sooner. 

Message me what your goals are. I would love to hear them. Tell me how you are going to reach them. By saying it out loud, you now have to be accountable for them. 

If its quitting smoking, ask for help. Get the gum from the store, or the prescriptions some people take from their doctor. Replace that habit with a new one. Take it one day at a time! If today you go the whole day without a cigarette, that's a big step! Congratulate yourself on that.

If it is to eat better, to exercise, I will give you the tools you need. I will help you crush that goal. I will get you to your healthy goal. Again, we will do it one day at a time.

So I say yes. Set a New Years Resolution but call it your goal!!

Dos and Donts

Do set a goal and a plan on how to succeed at it
Don't say I will do it tomorrow
Do one goal at a time
Don't set 5 goals to change habits you have TODAY. You may be setting yourself up for failure
Do ask for help
Do make a vision board (dream board
Do like my facebook page

Happy 2014,
Coach Cait

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